Chase: You going to prom?
Jess: Nope
Chase: I'm going to find you a date to prom.
Jess: umm your not that makes me desperate
Chase: So?
Jess: Well I'm weird. Weird people don't go to prom
Chase: Your going to prom
Jess: ha I dare you
[A week before prom]
Jess: Nope
Chase: So I have this friend from Wayne County would you want to go to Prom with him? Jess:*initial thought* No I do not want to go to Prom with a hick
*Actual respose*Sure I'd love to go to Prom with him!!
*after thought* Aww shizz I'm going to prom with blind date who is from the middle of no where...its sad when no one within 200 miles of you will take you to prom...
[Three days before Prom]
Taylor: Is this Jessica?
Jess: Yes
Taylor: So... we are going to prom?
Jess: Yes
Taylor: Sweet we are going to prom.
Jess: Just so you know I am a very cute girl and I'm not a crazy so don't worry about being raped or anything
Taylor: Phew :)
and a freindship was born...
Good News, Taylor was cute, smart, and funny. And so with a gorgeous princess dress the night went as follows dinner @ JSH building The Garden, The capital, dorky pictures (seriously, did I think that was a cute face? what was I thinking) then Princess Bride. The perfect dress, the perfect date, a perfect kiss... a perfect night ;)
[Note 2 Self: 1. make dress modest a least one day before dance not day of
2. Princess Bride is an awesome movie
3. don't fist pump in a dress with tight sleeves