My Life Is A Pile Of Poo

I hate to be a hateful person, but I am. I am horribly hateful. I hate to bring the pity parade everywhere I go, but I do. I hate that I hate people. I hate that I hate so many things. I hate that I know I shouldn't hate so many things. I hate that I know everything happens for a reason because then I would have to stop being hateful but I don't want to stop.

Truth is I hate. I hate a lot.
I think everyone in life is allowed a time of hatred. When life sucks I think you should be allowed to hate it. I know your supposed to find joy in the journey but what if the journey sucks. It's like saying find joy in being stuck in a poo pile...I don't wanna find joy in being stuck in a poo pile because being in a poo pile sucks therefore I am giving myself permission to hate it.

Another thing when you tell me to stop being hateful or stop complaining or be grateful count your blessings, sorry but that makes me wanna punch you and makes me hate you. Just because there are starving children in Africa with AIDS doesn't change anything for them or for me. Me being reminded about there are dying African kids doesn't make the Africans kids' life any better nor does it make mine better. So that is a stupid arguement. Besides aren't we all in the process dying anyways?

Maybe someday I'll decide to stop all this hating but until then I will continue to be hateful and you will continue to deal with it.


  1. Jessie I love this! I didn't know you had a blog, i love it!

    -Rachael Clark :)

  2. hahahah jessie!! I love this. I feel like we had this talk like everyday last summer!! I miss you and I hope everything is well with you. And I love the poo pile analogy. because truth be told we both were stuck in a pile of poo!! I love you dear friend :)
